Just Looking

 1st day, Maddie  Comments Off on Just Looking
Mar 032017


Our sign name introductions at the very beginning of the residency acted as more than just a ‘getting to know you’ exercise. They allowed us to create a common language and to peek inside the hearts and minds of those around us, forming a bond or sense of trust among us.

We then looked at one another. In partners. Just looking. Silence. Looking. Really seeing.


From there, we created portraits of ourselves without looking, and gave them a title based on what we saw in the person we drew right there on the page. We then drew portraits of our partners, again without looking, and presented them to our partners. We gave titles to the portraits our partners created, and it was so powerful to feel how someone else sees you – or what they see inside you. I was paired up with Gaele and found that though we were uncomfortable at first, once the giggles subsided, I saw Gaele’s heart by simply looking at her face and all the beautiful details that make it up. It was no surprise to me that the kindness, imagination, and creativity I saw in her face were all uncovered through the remainder of the residency as I saw her contributions to the group. Continue reading »

Four white walls

 3rd day, Maddie  Comments Off on Four white walls
Mar 052017

      Maddies in centre of image wearing black and sitting in a white spinning chair. Eva sits on the right of Maddie.    

Four white walls
form a space
in which safety is created
and relationships are formed
where experience becomes the language
that speaks to our souls.

These four white walls
exist only to support
and when minds are working
hearts and talents collide
and the art that is created
is far too great
to be contained
in these four white walls

so they crumble under the weight
of our true selves
and bear the brunt
of our thick skin
and these four white walls
are barriers no more
yet safety and passion
still burn within.

– Maddie Little/Sexy sexy sexy