Meeting Place

 1st day, Rachael  Comments Off on Meeting Place
Mar 042017

Yesterday I went to the Meeting Place and I thought I would just put a few reflections on that. They were certainly things circling around my head today.
Yesterday’s discussion on What does it mean to be disabled? was so important to me, and how I entered the room today. Currently having a disability identity crisis, I think I articulated it well yesterday, I don’t identify as being disabled but I have been labeled as disabled. In the social model of disability I am not disabled by my society. In the medical model, yes I have a disability, a doctor diagnosed me and told me my brain did “not work as well as everyone else’s”. Because of the way that I was labeled as disabled, I did identify with being disabled while I was still needing some access requirements and getting help but I don’t think I do now.  Continue reading »

Update on the disability identity crisis

 3rd day, Rachael  Comments Off on Update on the disability identity crisis
Mar 062017

I still have a slight disability identity crisis, even with a whole bunch of new friends and knowledge. But what I do know is that I want to be a part of disability culture (I am not sure of the right wording for this but basically I want to help always make things accessible share stories of experiences of disability ect.)

I can not thank the participants enough. For patience, unquestioning acceptance, determination to assist everyone even and make things universally accessible.  

Thank you Jenny for bringing us together. For letting us dance, it was something truly special. 

Being a part of both PIAF Connect residencies with Claire Cunningham and Jenny Sealey, I feel incredibly blessed.